eisai china inc. held the “2018 ads” – eisai china lnc.-leyu手机版登录入口app

on october 27, 2018, the “2018 ads” (ads: advance dementia science) was held by eisai china inc. in beijing, china. the 2018 ads is a communication platform that eisai china established for doctors; the forum covers multi-aspects such as basic researches in the cognitive fields, new methods of diagnosis, clinical hotspots, research and development for new drugs, social and government policies, and etc., with well-known professors from china, japan and south korea discussing and interacting with over 300 participants on-site and over 400 participators online.

at the beginning of the summit, mr. benzhi zhao, deputy secretary general of china population welfare foundation, and ms. yanhui feng, president of eisai china, delivered their speeches. mr. zhao introduced china population welfare fund federation and the progresses of public welfare activities such as yellow bracelets project and etc., and indicated that alzheimer’s disease (ad) is one of the most commonly seen diseases leading to cognitive dysfunction in middle-aged and elderly people, and that through the “yellow bracelets” activity aiming to “bring equal love to both ends of life”, he looked forward to working together with eisai to contribute more to chinese patients in the future. ms. feng showed her warm welcome to all experts and guests in the “2018 ads” and her sincere appreciation for their supports. she said that eisai is committed to building ad-themed academic communication platforms and will continue to increase r&d for new drugs in this field. meanwhile, with its human health care (hhc) corporate philosophy, eisai, together with all sectors of the society, will make more contributions in disease cognition, prevention and control, patient care and other aspects.

from left: benzhi zhao, yanhui feng, jianping jia, xin yu


professor jianping jia and professor xin yu were invited to serve as the chairman of the summit. they both expressed their gratitudes to eisai china for building such an academic communication platform, which provides experts from china, japan and korea and the participants with an opportunity to share their frontier academic progresses and clinical practices, and wished the summit a complete success.

in the main session of the frontier progresses of the alzheimer’s disease, experts delivered speeches on topics inclusive of the introduction of the product lines for alzheimer’s disease, the current status and outlook for dementia in china, biomarker diagnosis of alzheimer’s disease, treatment and care for mental behavior symptoms in patients with cognitive impairment, and clinical diagnosis and treatment strategies for cognitive impairment, and etc., discussed the development direction of alzheimer’s disease, shared policies concerning the cognitive disorder management system in china, japan and korea, and talked about continuous drug therapy and appropriate care for dementia patients and more topics. with wide interactions and communications on-site and through online live broadcast, the participants said that they benefited a lot from the summit. in the practice parallel session, presentations and discussions were held on issues in china, japan and south korea, such as the consultation methods of cognitive disorders, new r&d strategies for drugs of alzheimer’s disease, community management for patients with cognitive disorders, and etc. in the clinical hotspots parallel session, academic presentations on the neuropsychological assessment and treatment of aphasia, the whole course management model and practice in alzheimer’s disease patients in china and etc. were conducted, and experts discussions concerning the recommendations and applications of the cognitive assessment system for cerebral small vessel diseases, national stroke registration and baseline data reports of cognitive and sleep subgroups, memory clinic optimization management, select of memory clinic evaluation scales, and the application of memory clinic patient follow-up system etc. were carried out. in the idea exchanges and opinion collisions, the participators harvested the latest academic advances and clinical practices.

2018 ads · beijing summit

in 1906, dr. alzheimer found plaques and fiber tangles in the brain of a patient named auguste d. today, 112 years later; dementia has become a worldwide problem for human beings. the latest data released by world alzheimer report 2015 showed that 1 patient with dementia was diagnosed every 3 seconds in the world. about 50 million people worldwide are suffering from dementia in 2018, and the number is believed to be tripled to 152 million in 2050. alzheimer’s disease is becoming a global crisis as the population ages. raising awareness of the society to alzheimer’s disease and regulating ad diagnosis and treatment process are keys to treat the disease, which requires joint efforts of clinicians, patients, caregivers, and social organizations.

alzheimer’s disease is a field that eisai china has focused for long. it introduces aricept® to china and pushed its entry into china’s national reimbursement drug list while keeping long-term investment in new drugs r&d in this field. adhering to the corporate philosophy of hhc, eisai brings to china its rich experiences that it accumulated in other markets, and endeavors to cooperate with all sectors of the society to increase the social concern and appropriate understanding on alzheimer’s disease in china through carrying out “remember i love you”, a public welfare activity for re-recognizing alzheimer’s disease, the yellow bracelet activity, and etc.